Crest Announces 3 Exciting New Toothpaste Flavors
Tired of the same old mint toothpaste flavors available on the market? If you want to spice up your oral health routine, toothpaste brand Crest’s announcement on January 28th is sure to make you smile. Crest is introducing a new line of toothpaste with some rather unique flavors:
– Mint Chocolate Trek
– Lime Spearmint Zest
– Vanilla Mint Spark
It would appear that fun toothpaste flavors are no longer just for kids! Crest’s new toothpaste comes in a whole new line called “Crest Be.” Are these flavors going to peak just your interest or will you actually buy one and try it out? “Crest is always looking at trends to develop products that give consumers a unique yet effective experience,” said Rishi Dhingra, Marketing Director, Procter & Gamble.
The Crest Be line of toothpaste hits store shelves the first week of February for a retail price of $4.99. Are you going to rush out and buy some chocolate flavored toothpaste or will you let this trend blow over? Let the Bissell Dental team know at your next appointment!